I wanted to do something kind of easy for my first project, something I could use everyday.
I decided to make a bell schedule to put in the front of my binder or locker so I know what time I have to be in class and, more importantly, when I can leave class.
First I opened corelDRAW2019 to start designing.
I started a new document and selected the text tool in the toolbox. After making a box i then typed "BELL SCHEDULE" in the font "HAND STENCIL" using font size 70.

after creating the text in the size and font i wanted i now need to pick out the color, the hardest part:)
i picked red and blue because they're really bright, distanced colors and i can easily tell them apart from one another.
the next tool i'll be using is the interactive fill tool located in the toolbox.

the next step is selecting my text, "bell schedule," then selecting the interactive fill tool and clicking next to the beginning of the text and dragging it to the end of the text.
you can then adjust where the fade starts and the angle of the fade.
you can also add different colors to your color fill by dragging them from the color palette onto the color fill line.

i decided to add a few different colors to mt title because it looked kind of boring and too simple.

after picking a few extra color, i then typed out 1st through 7th period and lunch in the font "Naomis Handwriting" and font size 30 on the left side of my paper, below the title.
now to add the times for each period.

i also added lines going from each period to the time they start and end. it makes it easier to see and tell which period goes with which time.
that's it, i'm all done.
this project was really fun to create and i will definitely use this when i'm at school.